In collaboration with la G.R. Gamberini (visit their site), MOWAT sprayer has been designed and realized to give a positive response to the more and more demanding requirements of the agricultural world.
This innovative plant protection technology allows a defense of agricultural crops that is environmentally sustainable and residue-free.
Thanks to its powerful oxidizing action the ozone dissolved in water at low concentration (1-4 mg/L) is capable of devitalizing every pests and diseases (fungi, bacteria, viruses) living on crops both in greenhouses and in open eld.
We would like to draw farmers' attention to a peculiar aspect of Ozone Therapy applied to crops: the devitalizing action of ozone against pests and diseases (spores, mycelia, etc.) does not allow the selection of resistant strains, as it results from the wide scientific literature available.
Towed tank optionally available (500 - 600 - 800 - 1000 Liter).
The MOWAT is now available in 2 versions:
- MOWAT E for field crops
- MOWAT A for tree crops